Equipment Dealers

Smart dealers use smart data to drive their sales, marketing, service, and strategy decisions. Give yourself the EDA advantage.

Gain Competitive Advantage

EDA delivers customer specifics: names, addresses, make, model, and serial number of financed equipment. But EDA also gives you insights by uncovering regional Hotspots and hidden opportunities in your AOR.




Focus on individual buyers for the exact equipment you sell.

“Before we had the EDA data, we were really shooting from the hip, chasing contractors we knew. This opens up a lot more opportunities for us. Our sales people use the data pre-sales call to find out which clients have a history of purchasing used equipment. The results are better sales calls and taking up less time from prospects during the process. The EDA data has been a great return on our investment.”
George Robinson, VP Business Services

Determine and execute marketing strategies with smart data.

EDA Priority Prospects

Capitalize on service opportunities in your market.

“I have been purchasing EDA data since 1989. Marketers have the information they need at their fingertips while dealer and manufacturer executives can glean powerful decision-making insight from EDA Online.”
Bill Tryder III, President

Insights to grow your dealerships.

Dealer Locations Screenshot
EDA Dashboard - Prospect Mobile

Nine Industries.
One View of Your Market.

With decades of experience aggregating equipment purchasing data, we can assure you that we are the best partner to help you pinpoint trends, determine your market share, and most importantly, find new customers.